
german language online education

Best German classes in Bangalore

Learn German in Bangalore online with native teachers

Are you looking for the best German classes in Bangalore? We’ve got you covered! The teachers at our institute are native German speakers, so we can provide you the highest quality German language course in Bangalore.

German language course in Bangalore at Lingudemics

Looking for a quality German language course in Bangalore? Look no further. Designed carefully by native German teachers, our institute offers a fail-proof and flexible curriculum. We are committed to providing exceptional learning experiences to all of our students. You are in the right place if you are looking for the best German language training in Bangalore.

Super intensive courses
(A1 - C2)

Specialized courses for nurses (A1 - C2)

Why choose us?

The training we provide at our institute is dedicated and intensive, which makes us stand out from the competition. Rather than simply teaching the language, our approach focused on transforming our students’ expertise and familiarity with German to the level of native speakers. Our goal is to provide our students with comprehensive language skills that will enable them to master the German language with confidence.

best german classes in bangalore

Experienced native German teachers

Choosing our teachers is a very important part of our institute's process. Every instructor is a native speaker with a degree in teaching and extensive experience teaching. Our goal is to provide our students with educators who are experts in their field, who have a deep understanding of the language as well as a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

100% Online live session

Take advantage of hassle-free education without having to travel. Experience the comfort of learning at home from one of the best German language institutes in Bangalore. Your language learning journey is made easier and more convenient with our institute, which delivers quality education right to your doorstep.

Certificate of completion

At the end of the level or course, you will receive a certification. Our online German langage course with cerification helps you reach your career goals.

Price is great for what you get

We provide easy-to-understand, level-specific courses that will teach you the right pronunciation, confidence, and skills.

Suitable for busy individuals

Those with busy schedules will find our evening classes convenient.


We offer a wide range of German language courses

Lingudemics is the only German language institute in Bangalore that has a wide range of German language courses from regular German courses to specialized courses for nurses.

german language teaching
business vector

Partner with us

Turn your business into a fully German-speaking organization with Lingudemics. Teachers from our school can fill these positions anywhere in India or around the world. Please contact us if you would like more information.

Check out our amazing tutors

Language teachers at Lingudemics are all native German speakers. A carefully selected and certified Goethe tutor is assigned to each student.

leading instructor christin

Christin Erler

Leading Instructor


Daniel Breitmann

Support instructor


Elisa Wolf

Support Instructor

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Check out our leading instructor's introduction video

german language online lessons

Best German language institute in Bangalore

Foreign languages can be learned by anyone!

Discover how a German language journey can elevate your career to new heights. Join our German coaching in Bangalore and take advantage of this opportunity to gain both written and spoken skills, so that you’ll feel confident and proficient in no time with our online course for German language. Become proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing by mastering proper pronunciation, employing appropriate communication, and grammar structures, and immersing yourself in authentic language usage. Lingudemics courses stands out as the best German language course in Bangalore with a workforce comprising 100% native German speakers, ensuring an unparalleled learning experience.

Explore Lingudemics extensive German classes in Bangalore

Lingudemics offers German classes in Bangalore that correspond to the CEFR levels, starting with A1 for beginners to C1 for advanced learners.
With our German language course in Bangalore, students are prepared for the Goethe, TestDaF, or ÖSD examinations with complete confidence. Upon completion of our German language training in Bangalore, you will receive a certificate of completion. We offer certifications that can help students launch their careers. When you apply for jobs in India, a Lingudemics certificate will give you a competitive edge. The government-recognized certification imposed by the German government will, however, be required if you intend to travel there. There are several certifications available, but the Goethe certification is the most popular.

Know about German language levels

Six levels of language are recognized by the council of Europe, ranging from A1 to C2. By creating these categories, the language requirements for each level can be framed and created a sense of transparency among the European languages. Each level has its own set of teaching goals, but they are based on the mastery of skills language learners should possess at the end of each level. They are divided into four groups: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Find out what you will learn at each level by reading the sections below.

A1 level (beginner)

A1 represents the basic level. Individuals will learn the basics of introducing themselves, asking others about themselves, and answering basic self-questions at level A1. 

 The students will become familiar with common expressions related to shopping, travelling in the city, consulting the doctor, ordering food, etc.

It is expected that each student will be able to respond and communicate easily if the topic is familiar and the other student speaks slowly and is willing to assist.

For spouses who wish to join their husbands or wives in Germany, the A1 level certificate fulfills the visa requirement.

A2 level (elementary)

Upon completion of A1, you will move on to A2. The A2 level focuses on dealing with the day-to-day situations of asking for things you are familiar with. As a result, each individual will become more efficient in expressing himself than he was in A1.
This course will teach you how to communicate clearly and simply. Describe your interests, family, job, background, and everyday activities.
When the other person speaks slowly, answer simple questions you know.

B1 level (intermediate)

It is also known as the intermediate level when at the B1 level. Students will learn to understand topics surrounding school, work, travel, and passion at the B1 level.
Be able to navigate everyday life with confidence and easily into familiar situations and interests. Their day-to-day lives will be easier to navigate with confidence. A person can share their ideas, plans, desires, and talk about the past. The right to express or defend your own opinion is also available to you. In addition, it allows independent use of the language.
Working in Germany requires a B1 visa for non-EU citizens. A B1 certification can also be used to request an apprenticeship in Germany to learn a profession.

B2 level (upper intermediate)

During the B2 course, students will develop spontaneous and natural communication skills. Learners gain a heightened insight into critical topics such as environmental issues, health care, media consumption, and career paths as they deepen their B2 language studies. They are able to contextualize and comprehend more intricate information through this expanded knowledge.
In addition, their communication skills are enhanced, allowing them to express themselves clearly across a variety of topics. Having meaningful exchanges with native speakers becomes nearly effortless. In addition, they acquire the ability to express detailed opinions and skillfully defend arguments in a structured and logical manner.

C1 level (advanced)

Reaching the advanced C1 level in language proficiency puts you closer to sounding like a native speaker. This stage allows you to not only comprehend the obvious meanings, but to comprehend subtle nuances as well. As your communication skills improve, you become more capable of expressing yourself confidently and sophisticatedly. Using the language with spontaneity, flexibility, and fluency is possible.

The C1 level allows you to discuss complex topics in great detail.The vocabulary you have is wide-ranging and you have the ability to find different ways to express yourself.You will be able to communicate professionally and self-assuredly, regardless of whether it is for work, study, or social interactions.

C2 level (native proficiency)

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) considers the C2 level to be the highest level of proficiency for German learners. The ability to comprehend almost any written or spoken material and express themselves fluently, spontaneously, and accurately in any situation is attained once learners reach this remarkable level.
It is essential to understand German grammar, syntax, and vocabulary in depth to reach the C2 level. In addition to comprehending academic and scientific texts easily, learners demonstrate fluent and accurate German speaking and writing. A near-native proficiency is required for learners at this level, allowing them to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and friends who speak German.

German language courses in Bangalore with us differ in duration based on course selection. The intensive regular course for A1 has a total of 70 hours. Each class will last 2.5 hours and take place from Monday through Friday. In this way, you will have enough time to prepare for the examination and study. You will learn all the tips and tricks for passing Goethe or other exams from us.

We offer a regular intensive A2 level German language classes in Bangalore that covers 75 hours in total. An A2-level specialized German language course lasts 90 hours. If you take 2.5 hours of classes every day from Monday to Friday, you can complete the regular German language training in Bangalore in 7.5 weeks. The A2 specialized course for nurses can be completed in 9 weeks. A 15-minute refreshment break will be provided between classes for everyone.

The intensive B1 regular German coaching in Bangalore lasts 100 hours total and the B1 specialized course for nurses can be completed in 120 hours. By taking the online course for 2.5 hours a day from Monday to Friday, each student can complete the regular course in 10 weeks and the specialized nursing course in 12 weeks.sts 100 hours total and the B1 specialized course for nurses can be completed in 120 hours. By taking the online course 2.5 hours a day from Monday to Friday, each student can complete the regular course in 10 weeks and the specialized nursing course in 12 weeks.

B2 level regular intensive German language training in Bangalore with us last 160 hours with us, and B2 specialized nursing language classes last 180 hours. You can complete the regular German course in 10 weeks by taking 2.5 hours of online instruction each day, and a specialized course for nurses can be completed in 12 weeks.

Levels C1 and C2 are only offered in group classes when requested. A minimum number of seats is required for the class to begin, however. Registration for C1 and C2 courses should be discussed with us before registering.
Our German language class in Bangalore is 300 hours long at the C1 and C2 levels. Taking online lessons for 3 hours a day from Monday through Friday will allow you to complete the course in 20 weeks. Please contact us if you would like more information

Among the top 10 most commonly used languages, German is widely spoken across the globe. German is the official language of several countries, including Germany, Belgium, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. In addition, German is becoming more popular as a second language in Eastern Europe because of its increasing demand.

Particularly for individuals from India, Germany is a great place to study and work due to its free education system. German public universities offer tuition-free education to all students, with minimal fees associated with specific courses. The opportunity to work while studying is also available to students.

German language proficiency opens up a variety of job opportunities in countries like Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
In addition, exploring the history of the German language adds depth to its importance. In the Indo-European language family, German traces its roots back to the West Germanic branch. The language evolved from Old High German between the 6th and 11th centuries into Middle High German between the 12th and 15th centuries. In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which led to the standardization of the German language.

In the course of history, German underwent various linguistic changes and transformations. A major contribution to the modern standard form of German was Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible during the Reformation. As the 18th and 19th centuries progressed, renowned German authors and philosophers rose to prominence, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Despite its rich cultural heritage, the German language continues to evolve, adapting to the modern world. There is still a strong influence of this language in academia, science, engineering, and the arts, offering a profound connection to a rich history and a gateway to a wide range of possibilities in the present.

The demand for German is high in many countries, including India. The ability to speak German can open up a world of employment opportunities for you, both in India and abroad. Those proficient in German can find several job opportunities in Bangalore, specifically.

The following are some job opportunities for those with German skills in Bangalore in 2023:

  1. German language teacher: A German language teacher can work in schools, language institutes, or even as a private tutor.
  2. Translator: Translators are often required by companies to bridge the language gap between German-speaking clients and Indian counterparts.
  3. Content Writer: If you have German language skills, you can work as a content writer, creating content for websites, blogs, or marketing materials in German.
  4. Mechanical Engineer: A mechanical engineer is often needed by German engineering companies such as Mercedes-Benz and Bosch Group.
  5. German-speaking customer support specialist: Many international companies have German-speaking customer support teams, making your language skills valuable.
  6. SEO Analyst: The ability to speak German is advantageous in search engine optimization since you can target German-speaking markets and optimize websites accordingly.
  7. Data Management: German language skills can be useful in data management roles, where you may analyze or organize German-language information.
  8. Q&A Servicing Associate: Providing accurate answers to inquiries in German may be required as part of a company’s question-and-answer service.
  9. Software Developer: Developing software for German clients can give you an advantage in some software development companies.
  10. Foreign Language Consultant: As a German language consultant, you can assist companies in various industries in dealing with German-speaking clients or partners.
  11. Data Engineer: A proficiency in German can make you a valuable asset in data engineering roles that handle multilingual data.
  12. UX Software Developer: Having German proficiency can be advantageous in user experience (UX) design and development, especially for products targeted at German-speaking audiences.
  13. German Exam Trainer: As a German exam trainer, you can assist others in preparing for proficiency tests such as those offered by the Goethe-Institut.
  14. Application Designer: If you speak German, you can work as an application designer, creating user-friendly software or mobile apps for German-speaking users.

Several well-known German companies, including Mercedes-Benz, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, and Bosch Group, are actively recruiting individuals with German language skills in Bangalore.

In recent years, there have been developments that have made Germany an even more attractive destination for Indian professionals.

Additionally, the German government increased the minimum wage in October 2022 to 12 euros per hour. Furthermore, the socially liberal government of Germany plans to ease the requirements for citizenship, potentially reducing the waiting period for citizenship from seven to eight years to just five. Dual citizenship would also be lifted for people from non-EU countries, so immigrants would not have to surrender the citizenship of their home nation.

You can enhance your career prospects, both in Bangalore and internationally, by learning German and taking advantage of the available job opportunities. 

Increasing India-Germany cooperation will provide Indian professionals with more opportunities to explore a variety of career options in Germany. The collaboration between the two nations enriches the cultural and professional exchange between them, as well as providing individuals with opportunities for international work experiences and growth.

Several factors determine the speed at which you can learn German, including your dedication, your learning methods, your available time, and your prior language learning experiences. Here are some general timeline considerations, although it is impossible to provide an exact timeframe.

An intensive program, such as a full-time course or immersive program, can speed up the learning process. However, it still takes time to develop proficiency.

It is crucial to practice regularly and to exert consistent effort. The results of learning German can be improved by dedicating a considerable amount of time each day or week to it rather than studying sporadically.

If you speak a language similar to German, such as English or another Germanic language, certain aspects of German will be easier to understand, potentially speeding up your learning process.

Use of effective learning materials, such as textbooks, online courses, language apps, or engaging with native speakers, can enhance your progress.
You need to have the motivation, enthusiasm, and dedication to learn German. Staying motivated and setting achievable goals can help you stay on track.
In general, learning speeds vary from person to person. To learn German successfully, you need to be patient with yourself and practice consistently.


German language course fees in Bangalore

  • A1= 15000
  • A2= 18000
  • B1= 23000
  • B2= 32000
  • C1- 50000
  • C2- 50000

The B2 level German language course can be completed within one year if you study it hard enough.

The Goethe-certificate B2 does not have an expiration date. Certificates dated within two years are generally accepted by employers and institutions

German A2 is considered a basic level of proficiency and may not be sufficient to study in Germany at the university level. However, it can be useful for basic communication and everyday tasks, like ordering food or getting directions. For university studies in Germany, it is recommended to aim for at least a B1 level.

The B2 level is generally considered sufficient for working in Germany because it displays a high level of proficiency. It is important to note, however, that specific language requirements may vary depending on the job and industry. Be sure to check the specific language requirements of the employer or job listing.

The A2 German exam is considered to be a beginner-level exam, so it is not considered to be very difficult. However, it does require a basic understanding of German grammar and vocabulary, so it may take some time and effort to prepare for the exam. With consistent practice and study, most people should be able to pass the A2 German exam.

The German language A1 level is the easiest to learn. It is easy to score at least 90% marks with minimal effort

Lingudemics is the only German language institute in Bangalore that has 100% native teachers and offers a wide range of German language courses in Bangalore.

If you want to study German with native teachers, Lingudemics is the best option. The courses are also inexpensive and there is a wide variety to select from.

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), B2 and C1 are both levels of proficiency. The level B2 is considered upper-intermediate, while the level C1 is considered advanced. B2 is a level at which a person can understand complex texts and communicate effectively in most situations. A person at the C1 level can express themselves fluently and spontaneously in academic and professional contexts.

In order to pass the A2 German language exam, you must score at least 60 points out of 100. In the exam, you will be asked to understand and use basic German phrases and expressions related to everyday situations. You will be asked to introduce yourself, order food, and ask for directions.